Yocha Kombucha Featured in HerWorld Singapore

Herworld Singapore | Life, Food

Where To Find The Best Kombuchas And Kefir In Singapore

Kombucha, the buzzy new alternative to yoghurt, packs a lot more probiotic punch to keep your gut healthy



With Amanda Tan, founder and seasoned kombucha brewer at the helm, Yocha offers more than a series of healthy teas such as rose petal black tea, roasted brown rice tea and tieguanyin oolong. Its line of kombuchas comes in six flavours, including the soothing Earl Grey and lavender, detoxifying lemongrass and ginger, and refreshing lemon and mint. You can also opt for your drink to be sweetened by honey instead of sugar.

For another not-so-guilty sweet treat, try Yocha’s very own kombucha jelly, which was originally created to appeal to children as a kid-friendly version of kombucha. Made-to-order and sweetened with organic cane sugar, the jelly is made of fresh fruits and chia seeds.

At 238 Thomson Road, 01-07 Velocity, Singapore 307683, tel: 6352 5100. Visit https://getyocha.com/

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